Ob UEFA Futsal EURO 2018 odpiramo razpravo o družbeni vlogi nogometa, odprtosti in vključenosti, s posebnim poudarkom tudi na LGBTIQ skupnosti. Vabimo vas, da se nam pridružite v petek, 9. februarja v Mestni hiši Ljubljana, kjer bo med 11h in 13h potekala mednarodna okrogla miza Nogomet smo ljudje – cela mavrica ljudi.
Pozdravni nagovor bosta podala župan Mestne občine Ljubljana g. Zoran Janković in vodja sektorja za šport Ministrstva za izobraževanje, znanost in šport g. Darko Repenšek.
Iz Evropske nogometne zveze (UEFA) bo gost vodja družbene odgovornosti g. Patrick Gasser, iz Mreže FARE članica upravnega odbora ga. Tamara Tien, iz Nogometne zveze Slovenije (NZS) vodja programov športa za vse g. Rajko Korent, iz Instituta Spolint njegov direktor g. Milan Hosta, posebni gost pa bo g. Ryan Atkin, nogometni sodnik in aktivist iz Združenega kraljestva.
Okroglo mizo po povezoval priznani novinar g. Igor E. Bergant. Prireditev bo potekala v angleškem jeziku. Udeležba na dogodku je brezplačna, zaradi omejitev prostora pa so zaželene online prijave do 7.2.2018.
Dogodek organizira Športno društvo Out in Slovenija, v sodelovanju z Društvom DIH – Enakopravni pod mavrico, ob pomočjo kampanje Nogomet proti Homofobiji (Football V Homophobia) in Mreže FARE ter Mestne občine Ljubljana.
Alongside UEFA Futsal EURO 2018 we are opening debate about social role of football, openness and inclusion, with special emphasis also on LGBTIQ community. We invite you to join us on Friday, February 9 at the Ljubljana City Hall, where an international round table Football People – Whole Rainbow of People will be held between 11am and 1pm.
Welcome addresses will be given by the Mayor of Ljubljana Mr Zoran Jankovic and Head of Sport Sector at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport Mr Darko Repensek.
From the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) we are hosting Mr Patrick Gasser, Head of Social Responsibility, from the FARE Network member of the Board Ms Tamara Tien, from Slovenian Football Association (NZS) Head of Sports for All Mr Rajko Korent, from Spolint Institute its Director Mr Milan Hosta, and as a special guest Mr Ryan Atkin, football referee and activist from the United Kingdom.
The round table will be moderated by Mr Igor E. Bergant, acclaimed journalist. The event will be held in English. Participation is free of charge, due to space restrictions, however, online registration is needed until February 7, 2018.
The event is organised by Out in Slovenia Sports Club, in cooperation with DIH Association, supported by the Football V Homophobia campaign, the FARE Network and the City of Ljubljana.